Proven Creative Visualization Techniques To Get Anything You Want

By Nikki C. Hodge

Ever think about why people tell you that if you can think of it, you can make it? It is actually true. Have you ever wondered about people who post pictures of their dream houses, describe their future partners, think of themselves as power executives someday? They have that gift of creative visualization - the method of figuring out what you want; making it come true, not only by doing things to have it but also, making pictures of it by thinking of it and posting images of it on walls.

By definition creative visualization is the art or practice of attempting to affect the outer world of circumstances by changing one's thoughts. However there is much more to it than that. Creative visualization has been practiced for centuries in all cultures and religions. But it owes its initial popularity due to the world of sports. There was a well-known study performed by Russian scientists that compared the mental and physical training ratios of Olympic athletes. It was discovered that the group of Olympic athletes that received 75% mental training with 25% physical training outperformed the other subject groups that received lower ratios of mental training. Now we come to the million dollar question, how do you actually implement this is in your own life?

Here comes the good part. Right now I want you to grab a pen and paper. Identify one area in your life that you want to improve significantly. Take the time to write out specifically what you want to achieve and have in that area of your life. Describe it vividly and with clarity. Read the vivid description of your desired results a few times. Now find somewhere to get really comfortable. A good recliner or couch would work perfectly. Close your outer eyes and tilt your head slightly upward about 20 degrees.

Enter the theatre of your mind and look upon the stage of your imagination. Begin to see yourself living the desired result and then step into your vision as if you are literally there. Engage as many of the senses as possible. If it's a new car you want imagine how you would look in it. How does the new leather smell? Feel the notches on the steering wheel. Do this for a few minutes, especially before you go to sleep at night. Once you get in the routine of doing this consistently you will begin to ACT in alignment with your vision and the manifestation will happen. That's the secret sauce folks, the part that many of the motivational snake-oil salesmen leave out.

Creative visualization has been long heralded as one of the major keys to the successful application of the Law of Attraction, but many people don't know how to do it well, or even believe that they can do it at all. Moreover, the question that many people would want answered before even making a serious attempt at creative visualization is: does it work at all?

Let's endeavor to answer all of these - albeit in a brief article! I'll leave the issue of doing creative visualization "well" until the end because, of course, that's a subjective judgment. The more important issue at this stage is whether you can do it at all. I've heard so many people say that they cannot visualise. I'm always struck by the slight irony of this, because in order to make such a statement the person has to imagine, (that is picture themselves), not visualizing! However, that is not to make light of the complaint because anyone saying such a thing genuinely feels that to be their truth.

Make a concrete visualization of that dream house in your mind. If possible, think of it regularly. You can make designs or picture drawings of that goal in mind. You can cut out pictures of it and place them someplace where you can see it each day - on your bedroom wall, on your refrigerator door, in your wallet.

You couldn't even make a cup of coffee without imagining the steps involved in heating the water, adding the coffee grounds to the cup and so on. Not only that, but you wouldn't want the coffee in the first place unless you could imagine the taste and the feeling that seems, in that very moment, would be satisfied only by a cup of coffee! If thirst was the only problem, a glass of water would do much better!

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