Christian Anxiety Does Not Mean Lack Of Faith

By Teri Farley

Accepting a Christian way of life is often symbolized by the first time we say the sinner's prayer. When we come to realize that God is in control, it makes it possible to deal with Christian anxiety and not have our faith come into question. This is a part of the great love and mercy God gives each person.

Many times our fellow Christians and scriptures we have read can cause us to experience desparity in our walk with God. Even our prayers may seem to be falling by the wayside because of stress. This is related to a myth however because God does not abandon us during our times of troubles, including when we experience Christian anxiety. It is a natural aspect of being a living, breathing human being. Likewise, it is an opportunity to trust God to see us through the challenge.

If you are reading this, it means one thing for certain which is that you are human. There is a powerful connection between the body and soul that the human mind simply does not have the capacity to completely understand. But because we are human and at the same time in possession of a soul, we have a supreme contact line to faith through our connection to our Creator. This lifeline does not allow us to avoid our emotional reactions to experiences such as Christian anxiety, even if it seems that having such emotions is counterproductive to believing in God.

Let's face it, every person at some time or another must face Christian anxiety, fear, worry and other negative emotional experiences. This does not mean God has abandoned you or that God does not exist. Quite the contrary, we may be doing our praying and bible reading and attending church often enough and still have to face such obstacles. It is a testament to our ability to grow through what we face and become stronger in God.

This is applicable to every person, no matter what your religious affiliation may be. When life hands you such difficulties, be willing to accept it at face value and not let your relationship with God come into question simply because the problem arises.

In actuality, we can look to God and our beliefs when we must face Christian anxiety. We can also embrace the unending truth which is that nothing is too hard for God to help us deal with. What is important is that we accept the limitations of our own human minds and bodies to understand.

There are no exemptions in life when it comes to feelings like worry and similar frustrations. Our employment, our homes, even our daily interactions with strangers we do not know can bring us to distresses we feel we cannot face alone. God promises that He will never leave or forsake us. This knowledge alone can be a comfort when it seems that the challenge is unbearable.

If we can retain just the smallest portion of faith that God will help us to make it through Christian anxiety, we are guaranteed God's provisions of grace for our lives.

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