Does Hypnosis Work To Stop Smoking And How Does It Work

By Kay Rozenberg

Why do a lot of people smoke? There are many reasons. Peer pressure, boredom, the need to experiment and even self expression. These are just few of the many explanations why people engage in this kind of habit.To quit smoking is a great challenge. But it is certainly one of the best things you can do for your health. Smoking is a life threatening habit. It is the main cause of cancer. It also increases your predisposition to major heart attacks, strokes, lung problems, and other health conditions, which includes bone fractures and cataracts.

Lets look at it rationally. Smoking is a strange behaviour. Smoking is disgusting. Smoking stains your teeth and fingers. Smoking causes bad breath. Smoking creates an unpleasant environment for non-smokers. Most start smoking when they are teenagers because they need to be one of the 'crowd' and they want to be cool. If their friends smoke there's a lot of pressure to take up the habit. Other people turn to smoking because they are looking for a way to relieve stress. Even though tobacco does provide short-term relief, it is a contributing factor to stress in the long run.

Most smokers come to a time in their life where they want to quit. Perhaps their health problems have increased and they finally realise they have to give up their habit. Unfortunately, the addictive nature of tobacco has taken hold and makes it difficult.

A trained hypnotherapist can then tell the subconscious mind that a spider is nothing to be feared. They might for example guide the subject to visualize a spider dressed up as a clown, looking as ridiculous as possible. They may use special slow clear language to also relay this message. If this is done correctly, it will send out a strong message to the subconscious mind that a spider is not threatening, in a way that it understands. Once the subconscious mind understands this, it will no longer trigger the automatic fear response and a phobia is then cured.

If you choose hypnosis to help you quit smoking you should feel more relaxed and in control. Your intention to quit should still be clear in your mind. Your subconscious mind will kick in and help you to ignore the urge to "light up". If you choose to quit smoking using hypnosis, you will avoid becoming dependent on nicotine replacement therapy and also avoid the side effects associated with prescription drugs.

Like I said before, I have been a professional clinical hypnotherapist for several years and I have witnessed so many people change in a positive way as a result of hypnotherapy. I always feel a little saddened when I see people who I know would greatly benefit from hypnotherapy, miss out. So please, give hypnotherapy a go, I promise that you won't be disappointed.It is a state of consciousness that is artificially induced, where the hypnotist control over an individual against his or her wishes and a sleep-like condition. There is a common misconception about hypnosis that only the weak-minded can be hypnotized, but on the other hand, the best candidates to undergo this method are those who have average or above average mentality, good concentration power and those who have good imaginations and self-motivation.

Hypnosis is a scientifically verified and effective technique that can promote accelerated human change. With Hypnosis, we can create desired changes in behavior and encourage mental and physical well-being.Learn how to guide yourself and others to lose weight, quit smoking and be free of physical pain. These programs are especially suited for health care professionals, practicing therapists, and all individuals seeking to make a positive change in their lives. Presently, hypnosis in medicine performs a beneficial role. It helps to lessen the pain a certain patient is experiencing. In therapy, hypnosis usually involves the person experiencing a sense of deep relaxation with their attention narrowed down, and concentrated on the directions given by the therapist.

Hypnosis can be effective in other areas too, such as stress management, sexual difficulties, eating disorders, obesity,anger management and shyness. Hypnosis is also used for managing pain. It is especially useful for conditions like inflammatory bowel disease that do not respond well to prescription drugs.

Now looking back, I remember how easy it was for me to quit smoking, I was amazed when I realized that I stopped having a craving for cigarettes and that I never gave smoking another thought.The bottom line is hypnosis works! Isn't it time to find out more information about how you can improve your own life? Don't you owe it to yourself.If you liked this article about how does hypnosis work to quit smoking, visit my website for more information about hypnosis and its applications. I offer reviews on learning hypnosis material available. I can help you learn about self hypnosis.

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