Does Hypnosis Work?

By Annelise van Den Born

When you know that hypnosis works, you may start wondering how it works. As several hypnotists and hypnotherapists out there say about hypnosis, "There is no 'it.'" What does that mean? That simply means hypnosis is a natural state of mind people experience everyday several times a day. This state of mind is common. You experience it when you daydream or watch a movie. Then you're left to wonder how does hypnosis work.In Your Mind: What's Going On Here?

Everyone I hypnotize like this says one thing: "I knew I could do the opposite of what you were telling me but at the same time I couldn't". Which begs the question "does hypnosis work for everyone?". To be honest it does not work for everyone. There are some people these hypnosis demonstrations don't work on. In most cases you can see it begin to work and the person becomes stubborn and refuses to participate in what is going on. Just like some people felt like they could do the opposite of what I was saying and let themselves play along, these people feel that they can do the opposite of what I'm saying and try their hardest to do so.

My analysis of the people who it did not work for is that they were either stubborn or unimaginative. Some people refused to comply simply because they did not like me, others because they hated the idea of someone having 'power' over them and others who are very pragmatic and don't like "having their heads in the clouds" couldn't imagine the things I was telling them. Part of the power of being a good hypnotist is getting people to like you, getting people to want to play along and finally getting them to imagine something voluntarily. That is 'hypnosis'.

Does Hypnosis Work for Anxiety? Yes, hypnotherapy significantly reduces anxiety and can reduce the need for anxiety-related medications.Several studies have addressed the treatment of anxiety with hypnosis.A 1978 study "Self-hypnosis training in anxiety reduction" by Davidson, Farnbach and Richardson found that patients given self-hypnosis tapes were able to reduce their anxiety levels significantly. So, yes, this study concluded that self-hypnosis using a hypnosis tape is an effective method for anxiety reduction.

How Can Hypnosis Benefit Cancer Patients? Hypnotherapy helps with pain management and with reducing chemotherapy side effects.There have been many studies designed to address the use of hypnosis with cancer patients. Most of these studies have addressed pain management and reducing the adverse side effects of chemotherapy. The evidence is overwhelmingly positive.Does Hypnosis Work for Pain Management? Yes, hypnotherapy can significantly reduce pain.A review of 18 studies that investigated hypnotherapy for pain management found that it is effective in reducing pain. The review was published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis in 2000 and concluded by recommending broader application of hypnosis for pain management.

If 10 minutes later they think to themselves "well that did nothing, I'm going to go have a smoke" then they are as stubborn as the person who refuses to let a hypnotist have 'power' over them. If they go to the bus stop and have to wait 15 minutes for a bus where they start thinking "oh I use to smoke here... what am I supposed to do now?" then they really want to use smoking as a crutch in their lives - they smoke when they're bored, stressed, upset, etc., and that's not likely to stop now.

Hypnosis does not work on everyone in the world. One type of person that hypnosis will be ineffective is for people with an I.Q. that is below 70. If you are not that intelligent then here's one reason that can make you happy. If someone tries to manipulate you using hypnosis then they will be unsuccessful. Hypnosis works better with people in the 100 plus I.Q. range. Since hypnosis involves a lot of imagination and creativity, people that have low I.Q. will simply find it hard to keep pace.

It only makes sense that our mind affects our body when we remember about the placebo effect, that is the fact people with a disease get better when taking sugar pills or injections of saline solutions. Pharmaceutical companies confirm this placebo effect with every study of a new drug. Their goal is to prove a drug is better than a placebo while their results show the placebo helps a surprising number and sometimes a substantial portion of the group who take it.Take note, we're not saying that placebos are better than pharmaceuticals, just that they work because the mind influences the body as part of the same system. The mind has much more to do with your physical health than you were probably taught. The reason for this lies in the power of the subconscious or unconscious mind. This inner conscious mind is in control of your heart rate, breathing, smooth muscles like those around our organs. You can think of it as the part of your mind that's below the surface.

If you are planning to hypnotize the rest of the world then your bubble has just popped. You can not hypnotize everyone in the world. The only people that can be hypnotized are those that are willing to be hypnotized. This means that you can not go out there and try hypnotizing everyone in your path.Does hypnosis work one hundred percent? Even when a subject wants to be hypnotized, there will be a lot of occurrences where people will not enter the trance state. Entering the trance state demands experience and practice. If you are going to be hypnotized then you better start practicing. Entering the trance state or that state of altered reality demands patience and practice. You may not reach it at the first attempt but sooner or later, you will eventually do so. Hypnosis does not work one hundred percent and it does not work on everyone on this planet. You'll need to know that before you end up making a fool out of yourself.

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