Positive Words For A Negative World

By Eric L. Miller

When I asked myself if I consider the world a friendly or hostile place I quickly and smugly responded 'friendly'--then I was shocked to discover myself currently responding as if 'they're out to get me'. This morning I woke up thinking about a health assessment I agreed to participate in to lower my health insurance costs. What surprised me was HOW I was thinking about it--'as if they were out to get me and knowing they planned to use my personal health information against me'.

Everyone of us expects positive breakthroughs in life, like having a successful business venture, getting out of debt, to be healthy or having a right life partner, but nothing is changing because Often we make a mistake, when we talk ourselves out of our plans by speaking negative things. You cannot talk defeat and expect to have victory. The moment you speak something out, you are giving life to something good or bad. Negative thoughts come to every person, you can't stop the thoughts from coming into your mind. The key to success is not to speak out negative thoughts. Do yourself a favor Be positive and zip your lips.Negative words can keep you away from your destiny. If you will roam around saying that I am not qualified enough, I don`t have it in me, I am too young or too old, I don`t have what it takes, then you would become exactly what you are saying.God has called every one of us to do something great. He has put some special talents within us. It's easy to make excuses but God wants us to move forward.Just imagine that your success is on the way, and you are talking about how it`s not going to happen, how you will never get the right things in your lives. May be you are a couple of months away from seeing the answer you are waiting for, maybe you have been praying or expecting good results in a specific sphere of your life. But right before it happens, you start verbalizing wrong words and the good things around you stand still.

When you choose to see the world as a friendly place you set a positive expectation that where ever you go, loving, caring people are ready to help you succeed. You step out into the world knowing even if there are scam artists and evil doers; there are good people out there ready to guide you to positive outcomes. You are the one who makes decisions for your life and the faceless 'they' can only influence your decisions if you let them. You are the driver of how you deal with the world. You decide to deal with the world as if it is hostile or as if it is friendly.

'As If' thinking is a very powerful tool that can work for or against you. Since you are in charge of your thoughts you are the only one who can turn your negative 'As If' thinking into positive 'As If' thinking. When you catch yourself fighting that invisible enemy out to get you--pause--and choose to practice acting as if the world is a friendly place. Start by playing 'what if'--what if everyone in my world was out to help me achieve my greatest desires? What would your world look like? What options and opportunities would open up for you? For example:

Many of our most common expressions use negative words. How many times have you or someone else said, "I nearly had a fit." (I stopped saying that after meeting a young boy who suffered from a form of epilepsy that cruelly twisted and contorted him for several minutes each day.) Have you said, " I could have killed him," when some minor thing has bothered us. This fact of how we unwittingly say negative words was brought home to me, when I was living in another country and learning another language.

Seek Help from a Trustworthy Person,If you have difficulty transitioning from experiencing the world as hostile to friendly, seek the assistance of a person in your life you and others know to be trustworthy and ethical. Sometimes it helps to practice seeing the world through another set of eyes--ones you can easily trust and safely learn from.'Before complaining you are a slave to another, be sure you are not a slave to self. Look within--You will find there-- perchance-- slavish thoughts, slavish desires, and in your daily life and conduct slavish habits. Conquer these; cease to be a slave to self, and no man will have the power to enslave you.' James Allen,Need Help Seeing the World as a Friendly Place? The words of our mouths play a vital role in our lives. We succeed or we fail based upon what we continually say. While many people do not see the correlation between our words and the literal events and affairs of our lives, it is a proven fact that we experiencing the sum total of what we have been saying constantly.

The Book of Proverbs says it like this, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. (Proverbs 18:21, The Holy Bible) To doubt the power of our words on our lives as well as the lives of others who believe in what we say, will work against us, if we do not pay heed to ensuring that what comes out of our mouths is positive, good and right.

The power and effect of words is tremendous when we think about it. God created everything by the words of His mouth. He made us in His image and likeness. This means that He created man to operate like Him. God speaks things into being. We actually rise and fall to the level of our words.Speak words of faith, hope, and love, and the things we say will come toward us. Speak negative words of doubt, fear, worry, hate and disbelief, and these things shall likewise come our way. Our words attract whatever is in them into our lives.

Well, if satan can use negative and destructive words to paint negative and destructive pictures in the heart of people, so that they can live them out and destroy themselves and others, doesn't it stand to reason that if God Almighty can get His positive and powerful thoughts on the canvas of our imaginations, He can change our lives and give us a great self image that will produce joy, inner peace and victory in our lives.If the enemy can use words of lust, perversion and violence to form the inner image of mankind, resulting in people becoming in their experience what they think, how much more will the Word of God develop a god-like character of wholeness, purity and productivity in our lives through the process of meditation.

Some of us are enslaved to negative and degrading words. In order to change our lives, we must change the contents of our words, so that they ring with success, victory and power. Here is how we can begin making that kind of change today:Learn to speak positively. Say what you want to happen in your life, not necessarily what is happening now. For instance, even though things appear to be going against you and your needs may be lacking, say, My God supplies all of my needs. He is my provider and all is well. When God wanted light, He called for it. He spoke it. He did not say what was. He said what He wanted. Adopt His method of operating.Watch your words. Every time you find yourself about to say something negative, stop yourself. Turn it around and say the positive instead. If you feel inadequate and unable to complete a task, instead of saying, "I just can't do it", say, "I can do all things through Christ Who strengthens me."Read the Book of Proverbs and see what it has to say about your words. It will show you the benefits of speaking good, wholesome and productive words, while at the same time revealing the consequences of speaking negative words.Your words do matter. If you desire to be successful, then speak words of success. Do it continually and persistently and you will find success coming your way.

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