The Power of the Subconscious Mind is a motivational classic written by Dr Joseph Murphy. After so many years, this book is still relevant in today's context; more so in today's world where we are so stressed up and feel pessimistic of our current economic and political situation.This book explores the hidden potential in each and everyone of us. It assures readers that, you should never feel despair. You will recognize the hidden power that is all along within you. When you learn how to harness and apply this power, you will know how to overcome all your negative thoughts and emotions. You will have the confidence towards life and pursue what you understand deep in your heart, is the best for you in life. These include gaining your financial abundance, developing a cordial relationship with everyone and building a healthy body.
Up till the age of 6, the conscious part of your brain is non-existent. In a practical sense; everything you are being told becomes a truth to you. This is why babies born into Christian families often become Christians; babies born into Muslim families often become Muslims and so on. It also explains why I had the belief that my mothers face would be skewed if I didnt hug her on both cheeks. A pretty ridiculous belief, dont you think? Working as a sales coach, I have come to the conclusion that most people base their beliefs on their results. Today, I asked one of my employees what she thought was her average number of orders per hour. Her more or less instant reply was 13. She had been working on my team for about a week, so it was easy to do the math:
Day 1: 4 hours, 7 orders,Day 2: 6 hours, 4 orders,Day 3: 6 hours, 6 orders,Day 4: 6 hours, 7 orders,Day 5: 6 hours, 5 orders,Sum: 28 hours, 29 orders,I would say thats pretty close to 1 order per hour. Today, she worked for 5 hours, and I suppose you can guess how many orders she ended up with. If you answered 5, you were right! Lets explore this a little deeper. Day 1 was her first day on the phone, and she had seemingly no clue as to how many sales she could expect. The interesting thing is this: She had been sitting with me the day before listening to my calls. I had been working on the phone 6 hours that day, with 11 orders, and accordingly thats what she based her results on the first day. Knowing that on her first day she worked on the phone for 4 hours with 7 orders, thats pretty similar to the result I got the day she was listening. The problem is that everyone else has an average of one order per hour, which she experienced during her first day on the phone. So her second day on the phone, her sensory factors (hearing, in this case) had already picked up on that fact, and she started to adopt the belief everyone else around her seemed to be in love with; an average of 1 order per hour. Thus her result the second day was far from as good as her result the first day, and the result came close to 1 order per hour (10 hours, 11 orders). But the most interesting part is day 3, 4, 5 and 6, where the exact average is 1 order per hour.
If we were to look at the cause and effect behind this, lets explore day 4 and day 5 a little deeper. On the fourth day, she ended up with a little more than one order per hour (7), but the next day she ended up with a little less than one order per hour (5). This is what I call the autopilot effect. As I said, the subconscious mind is likened to a tape recorder, playing the tapes recorded into it. Still using sales as an example, her 7 orders on day 4 differs from her belief of an average of 1 order per hour. The next day, her subconscious mind will automatically correct this, so that her average order per hour becomes relative to her belief. And believe me when I say Ive seen dozens of examples of this. To make this more clear: The autopilot effect is why lotto millionaires often lose or spend their money within 2-3 years after winning the lottery. Theyre simply not used to having this kind of money, and they lose it because their subconscious mind indirectly tells them something like this: Why do you have so much money? You never have this kind of money! You should get rid of it as soon as possible so your belief of having no money left at the end of the month becomes true again!
The question remains; how do we steer this autopilot to different results? Lets take money as an example here and lets say we never have any money left at the end of the month, which was my problem for years. Linking cause and effect, that comes from the belief that I never have any money left at the end of the month, which is a belief based on results. Just like my employee believes she delivers an average of 1 order per hour. We change this belief through repetition, mixed with faith. What we want to do is replace the old belief with a new belief that says; I always have money left at the end of the month. As stated in a previous section of this article, the subconscious mind cannot distinguish the difference between reality and imagination. So if we start telling ourselves that I always have money left at the end of the month and starts to believe that its true, it will eventually be considered a truth to our subconscious mind.
We are all energy matters that are closely connected with each other. In other words, when you learn to trust yourself and connect deeply with your subconscious mind, you are opening up yourself to connect with the vast universe. The universe has unlimited resources to help find the solution to you. It is no surprise that our subconscious mind is also known as our higher self, the higher consciousness, the higher intelligence, the universal mind, or even being referred to as God. When you learn to communicate your intention to your subconscious mind, you are indeed connected to the unlimited potential of the cosmic universe!
I dare to claim that if you do this exercise each day for 30 days, you WILL have money left in your account at the end of the month.You can make this even more powerful by doing some exercises around the power of gratitude. You would also want to remove any limiting beliefs about money in order to tap into the full power of the subconscious mind.The subconscious mind is the part of us that operates below our conscious awareness. So, when our conscious minds are preoccupied with our daily tasks, we are operating on our subconscious programmes. For this reason, behaviour tends to be at an unconscious level.
You need to be alert in your thinking. This makes you stay sharp and be fully aware of happenings around you so that you can protect yourself; like crossing the road, driving carefully and when handling a customer. In fact, you should consciously remind yourself that your subconscious mind is indeed resourceful and you should also consciously make an effort to meditate frequently. But there are times when you should not be too alert that you start worrying and anxious of matters that are not so bad as they seem or even imagine the worst that will never, ever happen. Instead, you should learn to set aside some time to meditate or quiet down yourself to listen to what your subconscious mind offers to you.
Furthermore, when you drive your car a certain route repeatedly, then, eventually, you will not even have to think about where you are going when driving this route - it is almost as if the car drives itself. However, it is because the route is programmed into your subconscious mind that you do not need to pay attention to where you are going; you will drive to your destination automatically.We operate on whatever thought patterns we have installed. Therefore, our subconscious minds are programmable, and our subconscious programming is determined by our habitual thoughts. How aware of your habitual thoughts are you? How often do you identify those gloomy thoughts and replace them with uplifting ones? How often do you listen to your emotions? How often do you analyse your behaviour?
Our habitual thoughts determine what we are focused upon, and our focus points determine our emotional state. When we focus on something that we want or like, then we feel good. Whereas, when we focus on something that we do not want or like, then we feel bad - it is as simple as that. Essentially, our habitual thoughts determine our vibrational frequency.Like ripples in a pond when a stone is dropped in it, our thoughts are ripples in our lives. The thoughts that we think now determine our future thoughts - a thought will lead to more thoughts of a similar nature. Since our thought process determines our emotional aura, our vibration, our habitual thoughts are shaping our future. In other words, that which we focus on ultimately becomes our reality. The key to happiness and fulfilment is to become aware of our habitual thoughts, which we, as a species, are gradually learning to do.
Up till the age of 6, the conscious part of your brain is non-existent. In a practical sense; everything you are being told becomes a truth to you. This is why babies born into Christian families often become Christians; babies born into Muslim families often become Muslims and so on. It also explains why I had the belief that my mothers face would be skewed if I didnt hug her on both cheeks. A pretty ridiculous belief, dont you think? Working as a sales coach, I have come to the conclusion that most people base their beliefs on their results. Today, I asked one of my employees what she thought was her average number of orders per hour. Her more or less instant reply was 13. She had been working on my team for about a week, so it was easy to do the math:
Day 1: 4 hours, 7 orders,Day 2: 6 hours, 4 orders,Day 3: 6 hours, 6 orders,Day 4: 6 hours, 7 orders,Day 5: 6 hours, 5 orders,Sum: 28 hours, 29 orders,I would say thats pretty close to 1 order per hour. Today, she worked for 5 hours, and I suppose you can guess how many orders she ended up with. If you answered 5, you were right! Lets explore this a little deeper. Day 1 was her first day on the phone, and she had seemingly no clue as to how many sales she could expect. The interesting thing is this: She had been sitting with me the day before listening to my calls. I had been working on the phone 6 hours that day, with 11 orders, and accordingly thats what she based her results on the first day. Knowing that on her first day she worked on the phone for 4 hours with 7 orders, thats pretty similar to the result I got the day she was listening. The problem is that everyone else has an average of one order per hour, which she experienced during her first day on the phone. So her second day on the phone, her sensory factors (hearing, in this case) had already picked up on that fact, and she started to adopt the belief everyone else around her seemed to be in love with; an average of 1 order per hour. Thus her result the second day was far from as good as her result the first day, and the result came close to 1 order per hour (10 hours, 11 orders). But the most interesting part is day 3, 4, 5 and 6, where the exact average is 1 order per hour.
If we were to look at the cause and effect behind this, lets explore day 4 and day 5 a little deeper. On the fourth day, she ended up with a little more than one order per hour (7), but the next day she ended up with a little less than one order per hour (5). This is what I call the autopilot effect. As I said, the subconscious mind is likened to a tape recorder, playing the tapes recorded into it. Still using sales as an example, her 7 orders on day 4 differs from her belief of an average of 1 order per hour. The next day, her subconscious mind will automatically correct this, so that her average order per hour becomes relative to her belief. And believe me when I say Ive seen dozens of examples of this. To make this more clear: The autopilot effect is why lotto millionaires often lose or spend their money within 2-3 years after winning the lottery. Theyre simply not used to having this kind of money, and they lose it because their subconscious mind indirectly tells them something like this: Why do you have so much money? You never have this kind of money! You should get rid of it as soon as possible so your belief of having no money left at the end of the month becomes true again!
The question remains; how do we steer this autopilot to different results? Lets take money as an example here and lets say we never have any money left at the end of the month, which was my problem for years. Linking cause and effect, that comes from the belief that I never have any money left at the end of the month, which is a belief based on results. Just like my employee believes she delivers an average of 1 order per hour. We change this belief through repetition, mixed with faith. What we want to do is replace the old belief with a new belief that says; I always have money left at the end of the month. As stated in a previous section of this article, the subconscious mind cannot distinguish the difference between reality and imagination. So if we start telling ourselves that I always have money left at the end of the month and starts to believe that its true, it will eventually be considered a truth to our subconscious mind.
We are all energy matters that are closely connected with each other. In other words, when you learn to trust yourself and connect deeply with your subconscious mind, you are opening up yourself to connect with the vast universe. The universe has unlimited resources to help find the solution to you. It is no surprise that our subconscious mind is also known as our higher self, the higher consciousness, the higher intelligence, the universal mind, or even being referred to as God. When you learn to communicate your intention to your subconscious mind, you are indeed connected to the unlimited potential of the cosmic universe!
I dare to claim that if you do this exercise each day for 30 days, you WILL have money left in your account at the end of the month.You can make this even more powerful by doing some exercises around the power of gratitude. You would also want to remove any limiting beliefs about money in order to tap into the full power of the subconscious mind.The subconscious mind is the part of us that operates below our conscious awareness. So, when our conscious minds are preoccupied with our daily tasks, we are operating on our subconscious programmes. For this reason, behaviour tends to be at an unconscious level.
You need to be alert in your thinking. This makes you stay sharp and be fully aware of happenings around you so that you can protect yourself; like crossing the road, driving carefully and when handling a customer. In fact, you should consciously remind yourself that your subconscious mind is indeed resourceful and you should also consciously make an effort to meditate frequently. But there are times when you should not be too alert that you start worrying and anxious of matters that are not so bad as they seem or even imagine the worst that will never, ever happen. Instead, you should learn to set aside some time to meditate or quiet down yourself to listen to what your subconscious mind offers to you.
Furthermore, when you drive your car a certain route repeatedly, then, eventually, you will not even have to think about where you are going when driving this route - it is almost as if the car drives itself. However, it is because the route is programmed into your subconscious mind that you do not need to pay attention to where you are going; you will drive to your destination automatically.We operate on whatever thought patterns we have installed. Therefore, our subconscious minds are programmable, and our subconscious programming is determined by our habitual thoughts. How aware of your habitual thoughts are you? How often do you identify those gloomy thoughts and replace them with uplifting ones? How often do you listen to your emotions? How often do you analyse your behaviour?
Our habitual thoughts determine what we are focused upon, and our focus points determine our emotional state. When we focus on something that we want or like, then we feel good. Whereas, when we focus on something that we do not want or like, then we feel bad - it is as simple as that. Essentially, our habitual thoughts determine our vibrational frequency.Like ripples in a pond when a stone is dropped in it, our thoughts are ripples in our lives. The thoughts that we think now determine our future thoughts - a thought will lead to more thoughts of a similar nature. Since our thought process determines our emotional aura, our vibration, our habitual thoughts are shaping our future. In other words, that which we focus on ultimately becomes our reality. The key to happiness and fulfilment is to become aware of our habitual thoughts, which we, as a species, are gradually learning to do.
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