Tips On How To Change Your Life And Achieve Your Dreams

By Sindy Zoer

As a bestselling Author and inspirational Speaker, I wrote this report for you because I was in the same place with the same questions. All the questions raised above and all the methodologies and concepts mentioned are things that I asked myself and applied in my own life, and yet I remained trying, struggling, striving to find my joy.No matter what you gain and gather and accumulate in the material world, sometimes it is not enough to fill the void inside of you. Going inside of yourself is the answer to finding your happiness. And yet, it is the one place we often run from. It was not until I discovered the missing key, the holy grail, that my life transformed forever.I had diligently applied teachings such as mind power, positive thinking and the universal Law of Attraction in my own life, but was still failing to keep myself fully aligned to my goals/dreams at all times, feeling lost and confused about why I couldn't 'find' happiness, but then I made a groundbreaking discovery.I found the one thing that no one had told me. I found the one thing that is not written about anywhere. Not only did I find that 'thing' but I also investigated it, researched it, interpreted it, and lived it for 18 months, documenting the evidence every single day. The result? I changed my life, found happiness and joy, transformed and then started sharing my groundbreaking story in books and articles. Here is what I learnt:

We are constantly told to focus on WHAT we want, and to allow the universe the show us HOW. We are told to align our beliefs, thoughts and feelings with what we want, to be an energetic vibrational match with what we desire, in order to attract that to us through the Law of Attraction. However, we MUST also take ACTION. We must be poised react to act and grab opportunities that come to us. We must be fully alert and conscious to our daily life in order that we recognise that which we are attracting to us. And, often the things that we want don't always come in the form we expect.Often we are left at a loss for exactly what type of action to take. Faced with opportunity, we might recognise it and pause too long to benefit from opportunity, or we may be so caught up in our heads that we miss opportunity altogether and it passes us by.What if I told you that every day there are very specific, very unique, very special SIGNALS being sent to you, to show you HOW to create the change in your life that will bring you happiness? What if I told you that if you were simply aware and ready for those signals then following those signals would lead you towards:Greater understanding of yourself,Greater happiness and joy,Greater peace and calm,Greater feelings of connectionAll the things you desire in your life both physically in your world and internally within you.I'm here to tell you that this opportunity exists for you. There ARE signals that are guiding you, unique to you, right now. There always have been and there always will be. Those signals come to guide you the highest and best way to achieve your purpose in this life. If only you will awaken to them. I'm here to share with you that the FOLLOW THE SIGNALS way of living can change your life forever, just as it did mine.What is the "Follow the Signals" way of living about? Our beliefs, thoughts and feelings literally create our reality.The world around you is always moving in response to your energy, in response to what you believe, think and feel.Beyond our physical world is an unseen, yet very powerful dimension that is constantly reacting to your beliefs, thoughts and feelings and it is constantly beckoning your attention to guide you on "how" to achieve what you desire.It guides you by way of signals...Every day The Universe is sending you signals, whether you are aware of them or not; unusual happenings, surprising coincidences, situations, people and things turn up in your life when you need them most.If you know how to look for signals, and are willing to follow them, the signals can support you, encourage you and most importantly guide you towards your goals and dreams.Signals are 'things' that happen in your day to day life that are there to catch your attention, to signal you forward towards your goals and dreams. Signals are here to guide you. They are unique and specific to you and they are never-ending. You are receiving them right now, you always have been and you always will. The key is - are you aware of them?

Among all the actions we perform on a daily basis, good habits are those having favorable influence on our lives, while bad habits are the actions resulting in negative outcomes for us and for people close to us as well. Bad habits are usually called addictions.But let me make a distinction here. Letting addictions aside, we can further split all our daily habits in habits which add in our personal development and habits which are just wasting our time.Think a little bit of everything you do daily. What are you doing every morning, then during the time you spend at the office, and when you're back home in the evening?

Now ask yourself: will your life be different if you change any of your daily actions? If, instead of watching TV for two hours in the evening you read a book or learn something new on a subject that interest you, will anything change in your life? Or, if every morning you work out for a half an hour, will anything be different?

Over time begin walking a bit quicker. Stay comfortable; don't hurt yourself, but walk. Begin working your body a little bit more each day. Walk a few feet further today than you did yesterday. Walk it a bit faster and begin getting that heart pumping, get that blood flowing.Stay at it and try to make it an everyday thing. Nothing worthwhile is ever achieved easily, but this does not need to feel like work. Stick to it and keep doing it. You will discover that it begins to actually feel good and you will look forward to doing it again the very next day.

There are important changes in our lives that compel us to modify at least a part of our habits. This arrives for instance when we finish school and start working or when we get married, or leave our parents' home and move in our own place. In all these cases, we cut sharply the connection with an old familiar environment and have to adapt to a new one. When we feel at ease in our new environment, it means that the new habits are installed.

In most cases, this process takes place without us being aware of.Now the question is: can we make consciously changes in our daily habits? How can we deliberately change our habits and overcome their resistance? Changes in our daily habits are not only possible, but also advisable to be done when we decide to make bigger changes in our lives.We firstly need to evaluate all the actions we are doing during the day, think about and decide which ones are good to be kept or even extended and which need to be replaced with better ones.

And when we awake we are not rested. We may have been thinking and dreaming about problems at work or in our personal lives, some may suffer sleep apnea, while outside sources such as loud parties next door or noisy neighbors or the couple in the next apartment who screamed at each other all night may have interrupted our sleep several times through the night.A body that is not rested means a mind that is not rested. It makes for a very difficult day, so do your best to get enough sleep.Set a certain time to go to bed and stick to it. Your body needs a 'pattern'; it needs to do certain things at the very same time each day.If you make time for 'you' and get to sleep at the same time each night, exercise every day and do what you can to eliminate external influences in our life so you can get quality sleep, you will awake rested and ready to go.You will feel much better and your life will go much better in return.

Make a plan.Skyscrapers are never built unless a plan has been prepared first. Your life is no different. A plan will help you set goals and goals are important. If you don't know where you are going you could end up going where you never wanted to go, so make a plan.There are short-term plans as well as long-term plans and you should make both.Begin with a short-term plan. What do you want to do tomorrow? Where do you want to go and how will you get there? What do you want to accomplish while you are there and why? Making such a plan will give you cause to think about things you have not considered? What do you want to do next week? Make a plan for the entire week, not just one day of the week.What about next month? What do you want to accomplish next month? Having a better idea will help you make the time to do that and you will begin to make better use of your time.Work your way up to a one-year plan. Where do you want to be one year from today? Why do you want to be there? How will you get there?The answer is one day at a time.

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