Using Daily Affirmations

By Wayne M. Chase

What do you think of when I start to talk about how to use daily affirmations? Perhaps you immediately reject the idea as something that someone weak needs. Or perhaps you've met people who have yellow post-it notes dotted around their homes to remind them of the state of mind they are striving to achieve.

The events that we experience in our lives are drastically affected by our attitudes and thoughts. If you are constantly linking about negative things, then more negative experiences will come into your life. Many people are easily caught up in a negative trend because they do not know that they can change their experience. Using daily affirmations in a positive manner elicits positive changes in our lives.

Affirmations can be used as often as you would like, I suggest that you set some time aside every day to focus on your desires and thoughts. Getting in the habit of doing this on a daily basis will promote change and you will be pleased with the results.It is easy to slip back into old patterns, so once you have seen good things occur in your life it is necessary to continue with your daily affirmations. Create the habit of thinking positively and be aware of your thoughts and desires.

Be sure that the positive affirmations that you are using are stated correctly and apply to your own personal situation. Some people even prefer to use a guide to help them with their daily routines. In our world of modern technology, there are many resources available to assist you with this process. You can even use a computer program to create your affirmations! These types of programs asses your desires and wants and create daily affirmations to match those needs. Your positive statements will even automatically be adjusted as you make good changes in your life-- those adjustments will keep you on the right track to achieving happiness.

Whether you know it or not we all talk to ourselves. There is not one soul on the planet who doesn't talk to himself or her-self silently. This is known as self affirmation and not only is it normal it is a very powerful process. It can work for you or against you, depending on how you use it. In this article we will examine the benefits of daily positive affirmations.

By now, most people know the basics of positive daily affirmations. These are sayings you repeat to yourself in order to program your subconscious mind into changing your view of the world. The harder part to understand is how they work with the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction states that you attract to you what you spend your energy on. Quite simply, if you focus your energy on good and positive things, then good and positive things will be attracted to your life. The best way to focus your energy on the things you want to attract to you is by using daily positive affirmations.

You must be persistent when using positive affirmations. Saying an occasional affirmation to your-self is as effective as doing a few push-ups occasional. You won't see any appreciable results until you make them a daily part of you routine just like brushing your teeth or combing your hair. Try them for at least thirty days in a row with-out missing any days. You should begin to notice a definite shift in your thoughts and behaviors.

There are some different things that you can use on a daily basis to help you use positive affirmations daily without disrupting your daily schedule. Here are some of the different things you can use. Repeat the affirmations when you have a few minutes alone each day. It doesn't matter what time of the day or night it is. All that is important is that you take at least 10 or 15 minutes each day to say the affirmations to yourself. The more you can repeat them the more easily you will start to believe it. Write down the affirmations and then put them on to different things that you use throughout the day. You can put them on your refrigerator door, your computer's desktop, your coffee cup, car's dashboard or anywhere else you can find. This will help you see them and repeat them each time you do something new.

The late, great Jim Rohn said "Affirmations are great, as long as you affirm the truth." But,exactly what is the truth? The truth for you is what-ever you decide it to be. It is a fact that we become that which we think about most. This is where daily positive affirmations can really help us to shape our reality to our liking.For positive affirmations to be effective they must be used regularly. This is why daily repetition of a desired goal is so important. We are creatures of habit. It is through repetition of certain actions or behaviors that our habits are formed and it is by daily repetition that new actions or behaviors can be formed.

First you must decide on a specific goal or outcome you wish to achieve. Do you want to loose weight, stop procrastination or control your temper? Whatever it is that you want to do, you must state it in the positive. You must focus on what you want not on what you don't want. Keep your affirmation in the present tense. Futurist statements focus on what will happen someday. Some days never come. "I will lose weight one day" will keep you looking to the future. A great way to stay focused on the present is to begin your affirmations with "I AM..." Try this,"I am happily achieving my weight loss goals." notice the word happily? That puts some emotion into it which makes the affirmation more powerful.

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