When You Rehabilitate Criminals You Give Them Hope And Security In Their New Life

By Marla Mills

Crime offenders are not made to permanently live as criminals, and there is a huge probability that they can still change and live a constructive life. By taking a positive move to rehabilitate criminals, you are restoring meaningful life to the persons. Rehabilitation can change the thinking, perception, feeling, and inner-self of a criminal. These offenders can change and contribute positively to themselves, and society at large.

Families and communities have been torn apart when people involved in crimes are taken through the justice system. The first responsibility in a justice system is to make the victims of crimes get justice by punishing the offender. However, this justice system does not take into account that people may not remain criminals for life.

People change from worse to better, and this can happen to criminals. Even after serving jail term, criminal characters should not just be released to society, but taken through an intensive rehabilitation program. From these rehab institutions, they can realize their inner-self and the purpose they have life.

Through these rehabilitation programs, they can understand themselves more better and discover their purpose in life. It is perceived that people who commit crimes should be accountable for their actions. Putting them in punishments may not necessarily stop them from engaging in crimes. Punishment can help them realize what they did is wrong, but it may not deter them from doing the same in future.

Punishing crime offenders helps them understand that what they got involved in was wrong. However, it does not provide solutions to their behavior. It is possible that when the criminal characters are released to the community they could still commit crimes. Crime offenders at times, act under the influence of drug substances.

When crime offenders are released from jail, they face stigma because their society does not readily accept them. The society still views these people as criminals. It is this misconception, which creates a barrier in accepting and welcoming the people back to society. However, when people in society know that previous crime offenders have gone through a rehabilitation program that has changed their lives, they are able to easily accept the persons and help them cope with the new life.

That misconception and denial by society creates a barrier between the offenders and the society. If the community knows that crime offers have been rehabilitated, then it can easily accept these people back. The society can help them cope with their new life and responsibilities. They need support from the community to cope with the new life and continue to discover their goals and purpose in life.

This is achieved through therapeutic and educational interventions. The person is brought into an attitude that would be helpful to community instead of harming the society. To rehabilitate criminals is to give them hope in life and not put an end to their once meaningful life. Punishment is acceptable but then what happens thereafter the punishment is what really matters. The same crime offender will still go back to society at some point.

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